Sunday | | Partly Cloudy with a 30 percent or low chance of showers
| High: 32oC/90oF | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:32 am | Sunset :5:39 pm | Wind: E - ESE 10 -18 mph |
| Monday | | Partly Cloudy with a 20 percent or slight chance of showers
| High: 32°C/90oF | Low : 22oC/72oF | Sunrise:6:33 am | Sunset :5:40 pm | Wind: ENE 12 - 20 mph |
| Tuesday | | Partly Cloudy with a 40 percent or moderate chance of showers | High: 32oC/90°F | Low : 21oC/70oF | Sunrise:6:33 am | Sunset :5:40 pm | Wind: ENE 10 -18 mph |
| Wednesday | | Partly Cloudy with a 40 percent or moderate chance of showers | High: 32oC/90oF | Low : 21oC/70oF | Sunrise:6:34 am | Sunset :5:41 pm | Wind: ENE 10 -16 mph |